My father's side of the family comes from
located in Dorest, UK.
In fact, my Great Grandfather was the Mayor for 2 years during the 1930's. He decided to build a new house for his family, on a piece of garden at the back of his father's home.
Through a piece of luck, my Aunt Shirley was able to chat with the current owners who invited us to visit their home
to see what it looked like now.
The back of my Great-Great-Grandfather's house,where the garden once stood |
The front of my Great-Grandfather's house |
The original fireplace was untouched!
Even though the original piece of land was used mainly for the house, there still was room for a lovely garden.
After a pleasant visit we headed over the Burton-Bradstock to have lunch at what was once a pretty run down hotel that hosted a family reunion back in 2005. It is now all tarted up and is called
The Seaside Boarding House
They have a wonderful menu...
...where we dined on cauliflower-hazelnut soup and grilled mackerel
The view overlooking the beach was breathtaking
After a satisfying lunch, we headed to West Bay, where my Dad and Aunt spent many a happy summer. The cliffs of the Jurassic coast were magnificent.
The harbour bustled with colourful boats.
No matter which way you looked the views impressed!
I can't believe that my UK holiday is soon over.....